Venus Retrograde in Leo : What to Expect

During Venus in Leo retrograde in Leo season, you can expect the following energetic, emotional, and social influences:


- Heightened creativity and self-expression: You'll feel a surge of creative energy, inspiring you to embrace artistic pursuits and express yourself authentically.

- A focus on self-love and self-worth: The energy encourages you to recognize your value, practice self-care, and develop a deeper sense of self-love and appreciation.

- Intense passions and desires: You may experience strong emotions and desires, driving you to pursue what truly ignites your heart and soul.


- Reflection and healing in relationships: Past relationships and emotional patterns may resurface for review and healing. This period prompts you to reevaluate how you approach love and connections.

- Confidence and assertiveness: You'll feel more confident in expressing your needs and desires, as well as standing up for yourself in relationships and social situations.

- Potential for drama and intensity: Emotions might be heightened, leading to a potential for drama or conflicts. It's essential to remain mindful and centered during such situations.


- Social connections and celebrations: Leo season brings a sociable atmosphere, and you may find yourself drawn to gatherings, parties, and celebrations with loved ones.

- Rekindling friendships and connections: Old friends or acquaintances may re-enter your life, providing opportunities for reconnection and reconciliation.

- Enhanced charisma and magnetism: The combination of Venus in Leo retrograde and Leo season enhances your charisma, making you more appealing and captivating to others.

Overall, this period offers a profound opportunity for self-reflection, healing, and growth in matters of love, creativity, and self-expression. Embrace the energetic influences and navigate the emotional tides with grace and self-awareness, and you'll emerge with a deeper understanding of yourself and your relationships.


flowers are my friends.


Venus Retrograde in Leo: Explained So a 5th Grader Can Understand


Gracefully Navigate Venus Retrograde in Leo 2023 : 12 Tips + Tricks