Venus Retrograde in Leo: Explained So a 5th Grader Can Understand

Imagine Venus, the planet of love and beauty, going backward in the sky during Leo season. It's like when you try to walk forward but accidentally take a few steps backward instead. That's what we call "Venus retrograde."

Now, Leo season is a time when the Sun is in the Leo zodiac sign, and Leos are known to be confident, creative, and love attention. So, when Venus is retrograde in Leo season, it means that things related to love, friendships, and creativity might feel a bit mixed up.

During this time, it's important to be patient and think carefully about our feelings and how we express ourselves. Some old friendships might come back into our lives, and we might feel more emotional than usual. It's a time to think about how we show love and appreciation to ourselves and others.

Just like in a game, when the rules change for a while, we need to pay attention and be kind to ourselves and others. Remember, it's okay to take some time to reflect on our emotions and how we treat others. It's a time for learning and growing as we wait for Venus to go forward again and bring more love and beauty into our lives!

I hope this helps!


flowers are my friends.


The Transformative Power of Self-Forgiveness: Nurturing Your Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical Well-Being


Venus Retrograde in Leo : What to Expect