The Magic of Rue in Curanderismo: Ancient Wisdom for Healing

Curanderismo, a traditional folk-healing practice of the Pre-Columbian Americas, has a rich tapestry of botanical remedies. Among its many revered plants, Rue (Ruta graveolens) holds a special place. With its powerful properties and historical significance, rue has been a staple in curanderismo for generations. Let's journey into the world of Rue and discover the ancient medicine it brings.

Healing Benefits:

Rue is highly regarded in curanderismo for its healing properties. Here are some of the reported applications and benefits of rue supported by traditional knowledge and anecdotal evidence:

1. Protection against evil spirits and negative energies.

2. Cleansing and purification of the body and space.

3. Relief from digestive issues, such as indigestion and bloating.

4. Alleviation of muscle pain, joint discomfort, and rheumatic conditions.

5. Assistance with menstrual irregularities and reproductive health.

It is important to note that curanderismo uses a holistic approach, combining herbal remedies with other healing modalities.

Rituals and Spiritual Associations:

Rue plays a central role in various rituals and spiritual practices within curanderismo. Here are some examples:

1. Limpias: Rue is utilized in limpias, energetic cleansings performed by curanderos to remove negative energy and restore balance.

2. Protection: Rue is often employed as a protective charm or amulet to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.

3. Spirit Communication: Rue may be incorporated in rituals to enhance spiritual connections and facilitate communication with ancestors and spirit guides.

4. Divine Associations: In curanderismo, rue is sometimes linked to specific deities, such as the Virgin Mary or specific saints, depending on regional practices and beliefs.

Curanderismo Applications:

Within the realm of curanderismo, rue finds applications in various forms:

1. Herbal Infusions: Rue leaves are used to create infusions for drinking or as a wash for cleansing purposes.

2. Baths and Washes: Rue may be added to baths or used as a wash to cleanse and protect the body energetically.

3. Amulets and Talismans: Rue can be carried as a protective charm or incorporated into jewelry, pouches, or sachets.

4. Smoke Cleansing: Bundles of dried rue leaves, known as smudge sticks, are used for space clearing and energetic cleansing.


In the realm of curanderismo, rue emerges as a plant of profound significance, offering a multitude of healing benefits, spiritual associations, and ritual applications. As we've explored its role in curanderismo, we've witnessed the power of rue in protection, purification, and the restoration of balance. Rue's presence in traditional practices serves as a testament to the ancient wisdom passed down through generations. Whether used in herbal infusions, ritual baths, or as protective charms, rue continues to play a vital role in curanderismo, reminding us of the enduring connection between nature, spirituality, and healing. Through the magic of rue, curanderismo embraces the past to shape a more holistic and vibrant future of well-being.


flowers are my friends.


Embracing the Power + Fuerza of Rue: 3 Curanderismo Recipes and Rituals


La Ruda AKA Rue: Medicinal, Spiritual, and Historical Uses