Embracing the Power + Fuerza of Rue: 3 Curanderismo Recipes and Rituals

Curanderismo, a traditional healing practice rooted in the Columbian Americas, encompasses a rich tapestry of rituals and remedies. Let’s discover 3 simple Curanderismo recipes and rituals that incorporate the mystical power of Rue. Additionally, I offer a heartfelt prayer and invocation to honor the Spirit of this remarkable plant. Let explore.

Recipe 1: Rue Infusion for Protection and Cleansing


- 1 tablespoon dried rue leaves

- 1 cup boiling water


1. Place the dried rue leaves in a heatproof container.

2. Pour the boiling water over the leaves, ensuring they are fully submerged.

3. Allow the infusion to steep for 10-15 minutes, allowing the rue's essence to infuse into the water.

4. Strain the liquid to remove the leaves.

5. Let it cool.

6. If desired, add a few drops of rue essential oil to enhance the aromatic experience.

You now have a potent Rue infusion ready for use!

Ritual 1: Energetic Cleansing with Rue Infusion

1. Prepare the rue infusion as per the recipe above.

2. Stand in a comfortable space, holding the cooled container of rue infusion.

3. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, centering yourself.

4. Visualize a warm, protective light surrounding you.

5. Slowly pour the rue infusion over your head + shoulders allowing it to cascade down your entire body.

6. As the liquid touches your skin, envision it cleansing away any negative energies or impurities.

7. Feel the purifying energy of rue enveloping you, leaving you refreshed and renewed.

Recipe 2: Rue Bath for Spiritual Protection


- Handful of fresh Rue leaves

-Handful of fresh Rosemary

- 2-3 cups water

- Optional: A few drops of clove essential oil

Ritual 2: Rue Bath for Spiritual Protection and Renewal

1. Fill your bathtub with warm water.

2. Pour the rue-infused liquid into the bathwater, stirring it gently with your hand.

3. Step into the bath mindfully, feeling the water enveloping your body.

4. Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax and be present.

5. Visualize the protective energy of rue forming a shield around you, warding off negative influences.

6. Stay immersed in the bath for as long as you wish, absorbing the cleansing and protective properties of rue.

7. When ready, exit the bath and allow your body to air dry, embracing the lingering energy of the ritual.

Recipe 3: Rue Amulet for Personal Protection


- Small cloth pouch or sachet

- Dried rue leaves

- Optional: additional protective herbs (such as rosemary or lavender)


1. Take the small cloth pouch or sachet and hold it in your hands.

2. Fill the pouch with dried Rue leaves, focusing on your intention for personal protection.

3. If desired, add other protective herbs, stones or curios to enhance the amulet's properties.

4. Close the pouch tightly, securing the contents within.

Ritual 3: Activating the Rue Amulet for Personal Protection

1. Find a quiet and peaceful space where you can focus your energy.

2. Hold the Rue amulet in your hands and take a few deep breaths, centering yourself.

3. Close your eyes and visualize a vibrant, protective light surrounding you.

4. Invoke the spirit of Rue by speaking from the heart, reciting the following prayer, or using your own:

"Divine Ancestor, Spirit of Rue, I call upon your power and wisdom,

To safeguard and protect me in all that I do.

Infuse this amulet with your potent energy,

Creating a shield that wards off negativity,

Cloaking me in the light of Divine Fire,

May your essence guide me on my path,

Granting me strength, courage, and lasting protection.

With gratitude and reverence, I honor your sacred presence.

(Ometeotl. Asè. Asi Lo Es. So mote it be.)"

5. Once you have recited the invocation, hold the amulet close to your heart, infusing it with your intention for personal protection.

6. Carry the amulet with you or place it in a location where you feel it will best serve its purpose.

7. Whenever you need a sense of protection or reassurance, hold the amulet, reconnect with its energy, and know that you are surrounded by the powerful Plant-Spirit of Rue.


Through the incorporation of Rue in curanderismo recipes and rituals, we unlock the transformative power of this remarkable plant. Whether it's the Rue infusion for protection and cleansing, the Rue bath for spiritual renewal, or the Rue amulet for personal protection, each practice invites us to connect with the ancient wisdom of curanderismo and the spiritual energy of rue. As we embark on this journey of healing and transformation, let us embrace the magic of rue and allow its essence to guide us on a path of holistic well-being.

Note: The rituals provided are suggestions and can be adapted to personal preferences and beliefs. It's essential to approach Curanderismo practices with respect and reverence, honoring the traditions and intentions behind them.


flowers are my friends.


The Ancient Tradition of Spiritual Bathing: A Journey Through the Waters of Time


The Magic of Rue in Curanderismo: Ancient Wisdom for Healing