Making Offerings to the Spirits: A World of Tradition, Communion and Connection

Making offerings to Spirits is a universal practice, connecting the living with the unseen realms. These offerings come in a myriad of forms, each rich with cultural significance and symbolism. From libations of liquor to heartfelt prayers and lively dances, these offerings bridge the gap between our world and the spiritual, serving as tokens of remembrance, respect and communication. Below are some tried and true offering choices.

Liquor Libations:

Alcohol, such as wine, whisky, or traditional brews, is a common offering in many cultures. It is believed that spirits enjoy the essence of these beverages. In traditions like African Ancestor Veneration, pouring libations is a way to connect with ancestors and ask for their guidance.

Prayers and Incense:

One of the most profound offerings is prayer. Across various faiths and belief systems, the act of offering prayers is a way to communicate with spirits, express gratitude, and seek their blessings. The burning of incense accompanies prayers in many cultures, as the fragrant smoke symbolizes the ascent of one's prayers to the spirit world.

Dance and Music:

In some cultures, spirited dances and music are offerings that invoke the presence of the divine. For example, the Sufi whirling dervishes in Islamic mysticism perform their spinning dance as an offering to connect with the divine. In various indigenous traditions, dance and drumming are used to honor ancestors and spirits.

Fruits and Flowers:

Fruits and flowers are offerings that symbolize life, beauty, and the abundance of the earth. In Hinduism, offerings of flowers, fruits, and sweets are commonly made at home altars and temples to pay homage to deities. Similarly, in Buddhist traditions, it's common to offer fresh flowers to the Buddha.

Candles and Light:

The offering of light is a universal symbol of illumination and enlightenment. Lighting candles or oil lamps serves as a way to guide spirits and provide them with warmth. In Christianity, lighting candles is a form of offering prayers for the deceased.

Ancestral Veneration:

In ancestral veneration practices worldwide, offerings can be quite elaborate. Ancestor altars may feature cooked meals, favorite dishes of the departed, and even a symbolic seat for the ancestor to partake in the offerings. It's a way to invite their presence and honor their memory.

Promises and Acts of Kindness:

Sometimes, offerings aren't physical objects but promises or acts of kindness. People might promise to undertake certain actions or vows in exchange for blessings from the spirits. Fulfilling these promises is seen as a way to show devotion and gratitude.

Food and Feasts:

Offering prepared meals is a common practice in many cultures. In Vodou traditions, for example, elaborate feasts are held to honor spirits. Food offerings can vary from cooked grains and vegetables to meat, and the sharing of the meal is considered a connection between the living and the spirits.


Offerings to spirits represent a beautiful intersection of culture, belief, and spirituality. They are a way to pay homage to the unseen, express respect, and seek guidance. Regardless of the form they take, these offerings are a testament to the enduring human desire to connect with the divine and the spirit world. The practices may vary, but the intention remains universal – to foster a profound connection between the living and the mysterious realms beyond.


flowers are my friends.


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